Sunday, November 27, 2011

Beliefs of Wahhabis about Allah (God)

What are the beliefs of the Wahhabis? First let's start in Aqeedah, because if the essential beliefs are wrong, then what good are the rest of their concepts? for, radical ideas result in radical actions. The quotes are in English and put the reference of their books in Arabic so it’s easier to find. Among the blasphemous deviations of Wahhabis about Allah (God): - Wahhabis liken Allah (God) to his creations! See their book: انظر كتاب ابن باز الوهابي: "تنبيهات في الرد على من تأولالصفات" ص 19، الرئاسة العامة للإفتاء، الرياض - They say Allah created mankind looking like Him in resemblance! See their book called “Aqeedat Ahlul-Iman page 40, 90” انظر كتابهم المسمى"عقيدة أهل الإيمان" للتويجري. - They attribute bodily parts to Allah (we seek refuge with Allah from such kufur)!! See page: راجع كتاب ابن باز: "تنبيهات في الرد على من تأول الصفات" ص 19 - They ascribe physical attributes of the creations to Allah!! See انظر كتابهم "حلقات ممنوعة" لحسامالعقاد، ص/26 دار الصحابة، طنطا. - They attribute organs, shape, size, movements and form to Allah!! انظر كتابهم "نظرات وتعقيبات على ما في كتاب السلفية" لصالح الفوزان ص/40 دار الوطن الرياض. - Wahhabis claim that Allah has feet and places them on the kursiy chair (wal-^iadhu billah)!! انظر كتاب العثيمين "تفسير ءاية الكرسي" ص/19، مكتبة ابن الجوزي. - They claim that Allah seeks assistance and help from the Angels! See: page: (كتابه (مجموع الفتاوى) المجلد الخامس صفحة (508) - They claim that Allah literally descends and ascends annually!! See: كتاب " شرح حديث النـزول وشرح الطحاوية للمجسم ابن أبي العز ص286 الطبعة التاسعة عام 1988. - Wahhabis claim that Allah sits on the throne (^Arsh) as the jews claim!! See: انظر كتابهم "فتح المجيد" لعبد الرحمن بن حسن ابن محمد بن عبد الوهاب ص/356، مكتبة دار السلام. الرياض. - They claim that Allah is limited and is contained in big and small places! See: انظر مجلة الحج سنة 49 جزء 11 عام 1415هـ، مكة ص/73-74. - They claim that Allah resides in the sky resting on the throne! See: انظر كتابهم "نظرات وتعقيبات على ما في كتاب السلفية" لصالح الفوزان ص/40 دار الوطن الرياض. - They too label themselves as "Wahhabi Muslims" and "The Wahhabi Movement" asliterally stated in their books. See: انظر كتاب "الحركة الوهابية" لمحمد خليل هراس حيث في ص37 "الدعوة الوهابية" وانظر كتاب "الشيخ محمد بن عبد الوهاب عقيدته السلفية ودعوته الإسلامية" لأحمد ابن حجر ءال بوطامي أحد كبار دعاتهم في قطر ص(105) وانظر كتاب محمد بن جميل زينو "قطوف من الشمائل المحمدية" ص67. Such beliefs are blasphemous and against al-Qur’an. All Muslims believe that Allah is supremely great, He does not resemble thecreations in any way. His istiwa’ on the throne and his aboveness is in STATUS and RANK and NOT in literal height, spaces, or places!! Because Allah the exalted existed eternally before the creations and before time and place, without a form, shape, body or place. He cannot be imagined in the minds. Nothing resembles Allah whatsoever. It is impossible that after having been existing without a place, He would become in a place, because this is a development, and the development is a sign of needing others, and the one who needs others is not God.

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