Received as an email…writer unknown but logic and reasoning acceptable
Islam is religion for all humanity and its teaching and message is so simple that an ordinary layman can easily understand.
We know that there are many religions in the world and the comparative study of different religion is perhaps one of the most difficult subject in world and even very well learned great researcher find it extremely difficult to reach the correct conclusion.
Now the Question is How Islam can carry out the most difficult task so easily.
This is indeed interesting to know about method or tools Islam particularly its DivineBook Quran has used to reveal the truth in away understandable to an ordinary man.
The tools and method must be on one hand so simple that an ordinary layman can be proficient in using it and on other hand it must be so concise and accurate that no one can challenge its authenticity and acceptable to all people from ordinary man to a great scholars.
Do you know the tools/methods used by Quran to reveal the truth?
It is unbelievably simple to use and yet it is the so comprehensive that no one can challenge it.
The name of this tool is “logic and reasoning”
Islam has invited to use our logic and reason and its address it to reveal the truth.
Now Islam itself due to many reasons has been divided into different sects and every sect claim to be on true Islam and consider other on wrong path.
Is there any method where a layman can find a true Islam easily?
In my view the answer is yes and we can use the same the tool used by Quran for ordinary man to find truth i.e.” Logic and reasoning”
The only thing preventing us using this tool is prejudgment and stubborness of our forefather religions/sect as clearly mentioned in Quran.
Let moves forward leave behind prejudgment and stubborness and see the fundamental belief like Tawheed concept in different sects and use simple logic and reasons to see its correctness or wrongness.
Please be aware about counter argument of falsehood i.e. accept without any logics and reasons.
We know that Islam has basically two main schools of thoughts. I shall not give any name at this moment so we can read this email without any prejudgment let say A and B.
I shall only describe those points briefly where there is a clear difference between two schools of thoughts to find truth.
I shall use my own logic and reason and if you have different logics and reasons and conclusion I shall welcome your comments and conclusions.
Please note that I have copied the content from their belief book directly so that we can honestly judge their point of view
Allah is not to be likened to His creatures; therefore He has neither body nor appearance nor substance nor form.
He is neither heavy nor light, neither moving nor motionless.
He has neither place nor any time, and no-one can point to Him as there is no-thinglike Him. Nothing is equal to Him, nor has Heany opposite. He has no wife, no child, no partner and there is none comparable to Him. Vision does not perceive Him, yet He perceives everything.
Anyone who likens Him to His creatures, for example one who supposes that Allah has a face, hands and eyes, or says that He comes down to the lowest heaven, or that He will appear to the people of paradise likea moon, and so forth, he is as one Imagine itlike his creatures due to fact everything weimagine will be a creature like ourselves.
And Allah is above all deficiency. He is far greater than the explanation of the wise, and far beyond the reach of discriminative knowledge (‘ilm daqiq).
Similarly, one who believes that He will be seen by His creatures on the Day of Judgment is ignorant, even though he does not liken Allah to anyone in appearance. Such pretenders have merely accepted the letter of the Qur’an and the hadith without using their intelligence. Indeed, they have chosen to ignore their intelligence, for they have not taken note of the use of figures of speech which the nature of language necessitates. Thus they have misunderstood the true meaning of the Quar’an and the hadith.
1) Allah “settling on the throne” means that He is sitting in person on His throne in a way that is becoming to His majesty and greatness. Nobody except He knows exactly how He is sitting.
2) We believe that He is with His creatures while He is still on His throne. He knows their conditions, hears their sayings, sees their deeds, and manages their affairs. He provides for the poor and the broken.
3) Whoever possesses these qualities is literally with His creatures even if He is literally above them on His throne.
4) We do not say, as do the Incarnationists among the Jahamites and others, that Allahis living with His creatures on Earth. We consider whoever says this a non-believer or one who has strayed, for he attributed toAllah that which does not become Him of defects.
5) We believe that He will come on the Day of Judgment to judge among His people
6) More of Allah’s Attributes: We believe that Allah has a glorious and dignified face
7) We believe that Allah has two generous hands
We believe that Allah possesses two real eyes,
9) We believe that the believers will see their Lord on the Day of Resurrection:
Moreover this school of thoughts also believes that
10) Allah will put his leg over the Hell to occupy the unfilled space of Hell.
11) Allah will be seen like moon in Day of Judgment.
12) Allah will come among believers who will not recognize Him so He will change his shape recognizable to them.
13) Allah will show his shin and All the creatures will be prostrated.
“Lets use our Logics and reasons to see correctness and wrongness of both Creed”
Quran has given a very simple logical test to see correctness or wrongness of any creed about Allah.
Quran in Surat Ikhlas said that
اللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ
Allah is SAMAD
According to this logical test
“Every things in this universe is dependent on him and he is not dependent on any things”
Now if
1) Allah needs Eyes to see some thing he is dependent of eyes.
2) Similarly if Allah needs hands, fingers, legs, ears etc he is dependent on his hands, fingers. Legs, ears etc so.
3) If he needs throne to sit, he is dependent of throne.
4) If Allah comes down the earth it means that Allah needs space to move and He is dependent on space.
Let see another points
1) “ Can Allah be seen as claimed by B
Quran has clearly rejected this claim see veres
[al quran 6:103] Vision comprehends Him not,and He comprehends (all) vision; and He is the Knower of subtleties, the Aware
Let apply logical test to see its
If Allah can be seen he must have body which would mean he is limited and is dependent on his body which is wrong.
2) “ Can Allah sit on throne “
If throne supports Allah it means throne is stronger than Allah which is not possible.
If Allah is over throne then throne is bigger than Allah which is not possible.
Again this would imply Allah is limited and dependent on throne for his sitting.
3) Can Allah moves down earth.
It means that there is places where is Allah is not present and Allah is limited , Space is bigger than Allah and Allah is dependent on space all such things are impossible for Allah who is present everywhere who has not limit and who does not depend on any things.
Dear Brother ponders over both Creeds, I am sure that the Truth is crystal clear to us.
The only thing preventing may be that we do not want to believe in truth because our forefathers do not believe in belief of GroupA and we have been read and heard many things against them.
Have ever we tried to read their faith directly from their books not believes in books written against them?
Have ever we tried to read our own fundamental books and instead of followingthem blindly apply our logics and reasons tosee its correctness?
Let me give some books to find their belief of both Schools of thoughts.
For Group B :
I have selected the book Sahih Bukhari for references which they considered most authentic. All references for English version of Sahih Bukhari Muslim which is also available online you can explore it
1) Allah will put his leg in Hell
Sahih Bukari Volume 9, Book 93, Number 541
The Prophet said, “Paradise and Hell (Fire) quarrelled in the presence of their Lord. Paradise said, ‘O Lord! What is wrong with me that only the poor and humble people enter me ?’ Hell (Fire) said, I have been favored with the arrogant people.’ So Allah said to Paradise, ‘You are My Mercy,’ and said to Hell, ‘You are My Punishment which Iinflict upon whom I wish, and I shall fill both of you.’” The Prophet added, “As for Paradise, (it will be filled with good people) because Allah does not wrong any of His created things, and He creates for Hell (Fire)whomever He will, and they will be thrown into it, and it will say thrice, ‘Is there any more, till Allah (will put) His Foot over it and it will become full and its sides will come close to each other and it will say, ‘Qat! Qat! Qat! (Enough! Enough! Enough!).
Similarly see Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 93, Number 481, Sahih Bukari Volume 6, Book 60, Number 372 , Sahih Bukari Volume 6, Book 60, Number 373, Sahih Bukari Volume 4, Book 54, Number 482,
2) Believer will see Allah like a moon and He will come among Believer in day of Judgement.
Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 12, Number 770:
3) Allah's Hands
Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 93, Number 479
4) Allah's fingers
Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 93, Number 510
5) Allah comes Down to near by Heaven every night
Sahih Bukhari Volume 2, Book 21, Number 246 :
Group A
I have selected book Ausul Kafi English version as well this book is available on online. Please note that unlike Group B they do not consider all the Hadiths in their books authentics.
Please see the Book Oneness of Allah on thisbook read traditions from following chapter. I have selected only one from some chapter and also have not described complete traditions to shorten my email
1) Chapter 9 On The Invalidity of the Belief to see God (Ru’yah of Allah)
H 256, Ch. 9, h 5
The Imam then said, “Eyes can not see Him in an eye-witnessing process but the heartscan see Him through the reality of faith. Allah can not be known by analogy or physical senses and He is not similar to people. He is mentioned in the verses of revelation. He is known from the signs. He does not do injustice in His judgments. Thus,is Allah besides Him there is no Allah.”
2) Chapter 11 On Prohibition on Considering Allah as having Body (JISM) and Form (SURAH)
H 279, Ch. 11, h 4
The Imam (a.s.) said, “Allah, the Most High, isnot similar to any of the things. What can be more blasphemous and scandalous than to describe the Creator of all things by means of body, form, type of creation, limitations, limbs and organs. Allah, the Most High, the Great, is far above these things.”
4) Chapter 19 on Motion and Change
H 325, Ch. 19, h 1
The Imam (a.s.) said, “Allah does not come down and He does not need to come down. His sight for near and far is the same. Near does not become far for Him and far does not become near for Him. He does not become needy for any thing but all things need Him and He is generous. There is no Lord except Him. He is Most Majestic and All-wise. The statement that says Allah, the Most Holy, the Most High, comes down to the sky over the earth can only come from those who consider Him to decrease or increase (in size). Besides, all moving objects need something to move it or movebecause of it. Whoever thinks of Allah as such has caused his own destruction. Be very careful about the attributes of Allah to have a belief about them that would limit Him through increase or reduction, moving or being moved, removal or His coming down, standing up or sitting down. Allah, the Most Holy, the Most High, is far from being described by those who would like to describe Him or being characterized by those who do so or pictured in imagination. Have trust in Allah, the Most Majestic, the Most Merciful Who sees you when you get up and when you change positions during prostration.”
May Allah guide us and study the Truth without any prejudgment and stubborness.
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